Saturday, January 22, 2011

How will technology impact our future?

This semester in computer fundamentals I learned a ton of stuff from computer hardware and computer software. Some of the things that i have learned from computer hardware were things  like the motherboard, RAM, hard disk drive, silicone pieces, and a lot more of what physically makes a computer. I knew for a fact that a computer was unique from the inside but when i finally first saw it with my own eyes I was fascinated. All the different pieces in the computer that make it tick and make it work the way we want it. Some of the software that we learned from about, and we learned mostly about was Microsoft Office. This program I have used many times in the passed and used only Microsoft Word for doing essays, and I never thought of how complex the program is. That all changed when I went to Computer Fundamentals. Ms. Ramirez taught us how to create graphs, mess around with font, header and footer, images, all of these things. One of my favorite things that I like a lot is when we created a brochure. Ms. Ramirez taught me how to create a brochure from scrap instead of just   going to images and backgrounds already made from other people as default. I wanted a challenge so I made one from scratch. It came out pretty nice and I was happy that I made something from my own hard work.

After learning so much about Word we also moved onto another program part of Office. I learned about Microsoft Excel. This program in my opinion is a lot more complex and detailed than Word. We learned how to manipulate cells create tables and graphs and a lot more. Other thing that we learned from excel was things like functions that helped with things like finding average, sum, count, and so much more. Ms. Ramirez made sure that we would never forget everything that we have learned so she made us take quiz's, tests, and read a lot so that we wouldn't forget what we learned. It worked because I am talking about everything that we learned right now. We also learned about computer capacity like gigabytes. megabytes, petrabytes. I learned that when the computer has a lot of free space it progresses a lot faster. Than we got new Macs and learned how it is different and similar to Windows operating system. I was so used to Windows that I wasn't that great with a Mac. Since I was in Computer Fundamentals this class helped to adapt and get used to it.

The way that these newly aquired skills will help me with my long term goals is because I want to learn how to      do complex troubleshooting, know how to resolve challenging problems on the computer. Computer Fundamentals is just a stepping stone to what I want to achieve. This class has gave me an idea to everything I will have and will contribute to my long term goal. For example say you go to a job interview and it is all about knowing all about computers. I will have aquired so many skills already. I would be able to put on a resame a lot of things that I have aquired on the road to this moment. I heard that in the future a lot of jobs are going to require to know about math, science, and computers. Computers have to do a lot with math in fact it is almost all about math, but I will be prepared because math is one of my greatest strengths.

A technology skill that I would like to learn in the immediate future is computer programming. To know something this is a very good skill to know since a lot of the future will run mostly on computers. I know for a fact that learning computer programming is quite the challenge. To me it is about repetition and how much you  study the material. The technology major that I would follow throughout the rest of my high school career is Apple, or maybe computer programming. I still don't really know which one to pick but if I could do them both than I would.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Future

One career that i would like to pursue is computer engineering. The requirements are at least a bachelor's decree and knowledge on computers and computer software. Three colleges that offer this major it Advanced Technology Institute, Walden University, and Everest College. Some of the requirements to get into Advanced technology institute is a high school diploma, and interview, and application fee. In Walden University the requirements to get into this college is Official transcript, Applicable test scores, Program goal statement, Completed online application, List of transfer credits, and a Non-refundable application fee. To get into Everest college the requirements are a secondary school record.

Another possible career I would like to pursue is Computer programming, and thesome of the colleges that offer this program is Pepperdine University. The requirements to get into this college is a completed application, $50 fee, at least two recommendations and at least one academic reference, SAT scores have to meet certain requirements, and other past test scores. Another college that offers this major is Devry University and the admission requirements for this college is An official transcript (or equivalent documentation) with the high school or college grade point average (GPA) and graduation date must be provided for the student's file by the end of the first semester.

Another job i have thought about doing is  a USMC officer and the requirements to do this is a bachelor's decree, medical requirements are that you have to be in excellent shape, another is you must have 20/20 vision. A specific requirement is Law program candidates, meanwhile, must score at least a 150 on the Law School Admissions Test and be enrolled in an American Bar Association-approved law school.

Monday, January 17, 2011

IC3 Certification Exam

Is a exam that specializes in all things computer and provides students or job seekers with the knowledge they need to succeed in an environment that require the use of computers and the internet.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

A security protocol from the IETF that is based on the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 protocol developed by Netscape.

Strong Password

A password that is hard to detect both by humans and by the computer.


Software that collects personal information about users and their activities without their knowledge.


A specialized hardware device or software in a desktop or laptop computer that captures packets transmitted in a network for routine inspection and problem detection.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

 Is a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents using the internet.

Repetitive strain Injury (RSI)

Damage to tendons, nerves, and other soft tissues that is caused by the repeated performance of a limited number of physical movements and is characterized by numbness, pain, and a wasting and weakening of muscles.

Public Key

Public key cryptography uses two mathematical keys that are related.

Private Key

The unpublished key in a public key cryptographic system.


is a type of surveillance software  that has the capability to record every keystroke you make to a log file, usually encrypted.

Hardware Firewall

A firewall that is built into a router or a stand-alone device.


Is when someone breaks into a computer by gaining access to administrative controls.

Brute Force Attacks

Refers to a programming style that does not include any shortcuts to improve performance, but instead relies on sheer computing power to try all possibilities until the solution to a problem is found.

Browser hijacking

A specific type of spyware that will allow a hacker or malicious perpetrator to spy on the infected computer's Internet browsing activity.


When workers at home on a computer and transmit data and documents to a central office through telephone lines.

Online Learning

Is an education through the computer.

Keyless Entry System

Is a system designed to remotely permit or deny access to premises or automobiles.

Electronic Commerce (e-comerce)

The phrase is used to describe business that is conducted over the Internet.

Digital Cash

A system that allows a person to pay for goods or services by transmitting a number from one computer to another.

Critical Thinking

is exploring questions about and solutions for issues which are not clearly defined and for which there are no clear-cut answers.

Business-to-Goverment (B2G)

Denotes online communication between business entities and government.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

The exchange of services, information and/or products from a business to a consumer, as opposed to between one business and another.

Business-to-Business (B2B)

 the exchange of services, information or products from one business to another, as opposed to between a business and a consumer.

Wildcard Character

A special symbol that stands for one or more characters.


A collaborative Web site comprises the perpetual collective work of many authors.


A name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer.

Shared bookmark

 is a method for Internet users to organize, store, manage and search for bookmarks of resources online.

Search Engine

A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

Related Search

Is something that allows the user to find things that is common with what they are looking.

Public Domain

Is the total absence of copyright protection.


 is a computer program used to download various media via an RSS or XML feed.


Is when one person copies the work of another.

Phrase Searching

A type of search that allows users to search for documents containing an exact sentence or phrase, rather than single keywords.

Peer-to- Peer (P2P)

Is a framework in which stations and devices communicate directly with each other, without the use of an access point.

News Feed

A web feed  is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content.

Math Symbols

In a computer math symbols in a computer are found in an HTML, and depend on fonts to be installed.

Link List

A method of organizing stored  in a computer's memory or on a storage medium based on the logical order of the data and not the physical order


A communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image.


Are index entries that identifies a specific record or document.


A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table at the cost of slower writes and increased storage space.